Elbow Creek Engineering, Inc.   |   USA   |   mike.botz@elbow-creek.com   |   Tel: +1.406.656.6386

Elbow Creek Engineering, Inc.   |   USA   |   www.elbow-creek.com   |   Tel: +1.406.794.8965

© Copyright 2014 Elbow Creek Engineering. All Rights Reserved.


Cyanide Technologies

Elbow Creek has a strong background with a wide variety of cyanide technologies, including cyanide detoxification, cyanide recovery, copper removal & cyanide regeneration by SART, cyanide analysis, modeling of natural cyanide attenuation and evaluating the chemistry in cyanidation circuits. Much of this information has been published by Mike Botz as a co-author in the book The Chemistry and Treatment of Cyanidation Wastes (Mining Journal Books Ltd., UK) available from the InfoMine Store. Click the links below to learn more about cyanide technologies available through Elbow Creek.

These technologies can be delivered to you in a complete Process Design Package to ensure the basic design captures your plant performance requirements and the international experience of Elbow Creek.

SART Copper Removal & Cyanide Regeneration Plant

SO2/Air Cyanide Detoxification Plant

Biological & Chemical Cyanide Treatment Pilot Plants

AVR Cyanide Recovery Plant