Elbow Creek Engineering, Inc.   |   USA   |   mike.botz@elbow-creek.com   |   Tel: +1.406.656.6386

Elbow Creek Engineering, Inc.   |   USA   |   www.elbow-creek.com   |   Tel: +1.406.794.8965

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Cyanide Recovery

The AVR Cyanide Recovery Process

The Acidification Volatilization Reabsorption (AVR) cyanide recovery process has been practiced worldwide for decades. Applicable to leach solutions containing relatively high concentrations of cyanide, the process can be an economic means of recovering cyanide and reducing downstream cyanide destruction costs. If your upcoming project or existing operation has more than 300 mg/L WAD cyanide in the tailings stream, cyanide recovery may be a viable alternative. In many cases, cyanide can be recovered for less than the price of newly purchased NaCN, plus downstream cyanide destruction costs are reduced or avoided.

Project Support from Elbow Creek

Elbow Creek is available to assist you with evaluating, designing and upgrading the AVR cyanide recovery process by providing:

Take advantage of the experience Elbow Creek has gained as a process consultant at the following AVR cyanide recovery operations:

Read more about cyanide destruction and recovery processes in Overview of Cyanide Treatment Methods.

Read more about the cyanide recovery process in operation at the Cerro Vanguardia site in Cyanide Recovery Practice at Cerro Vanguardia.

Cyanide Recovery Plant - Siberia

Cyanide Recovery Plant - Argentina

Cyanide Recovery Plant - Mexico

Combined SART & AVR Cyanide Recovery Plant

The AVR Cyanide Recovery Process Flow Diagram   (download as pdf)


Cyanide Regeneration from Thiocyanate

Elbow Creek has been involved in research related to the regeneration and recovery of cyanide from thiocyanate (SCN). The process may be applicable to streams containing greater than about 5 g/L thiocyanate.

Read more about regenerating cyanide from thiocyanate in Processes for the Regeneration of Cyanide from Thiocyanate.